IT Security

Antivirus With Real-Time Protection: Why Businesses Can’t Afford To Skip It

Randy Hill - Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
September 10, 2024

As a business owner, you're juggling countless tasks daily, and while you’re focused on growth and success, the last thing you need is to deal with a cybersecurity nightmare. Small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are often prime targets for cybercriminals because they mistakenly believe they lack the robust protections of larger corporations.

But the reality is, securing your business against these threats is not only essential but attainable without breaking the bank.

One of the key components of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy is using an antivirus with real-time protection. It's the silent guardian that watches over your systems, catching threats before they become disasters. But what exactly is it, and how does it work?

What is an antivirus with real-time protection?

Antivirus software is your first line of defense against malicious software (malware). It's designed to detect, prevent, and remove harmful viruses and other forms of malware from your computer. A good example is a Trojan horse, which can appear as a harmless program but contains malicious code that can compromise your system.

An antivirus with real-time protection takes this one step further by continuously monitoring your computer for any suspicious activity. Traditional antivirus software may only scan your system when prompted or scheduled to do so. Real-time protection, on the other hand, works in the background and actively identifies potential threats before they can cause any damage.

How does antivirus with real-time protection work?

Imagine you receive an email with an attachment from an unknown source. With real-time protection, the moment you open that email or download the file, your antivirus program will scan it for any malicious activity. If it detects a virus or malware, it will block it immediately, preventing it from spreading or corrupting your data.

This constant, automated monitoring ensures that your business isn't caught off guard by ransomware attacks, phishing attempts, or other online threats that could compromise your sensitive information.

A person installing antivirus with real-time protection software on a desktop computer.

Benefits of antivirus with real-time protection for businesses

When it comes to business data, prevention is always better than cure. Here are some benefits of using an antivirus with real-time protection for businesses:

Continuous scanning and detection

Unlike traditional antivirus software, which requires you to manually initiate scans, real-time protection offers continuous scanning. This means your business stays protected without needing constant oversight. Threats are identified and neutralized the moment they appear, giving you peace of mind that your data is safe.

Proactive malware protection

One of the biggest advantages of real-time protection is that it’s proactive. Instead of dealing with infections after they occur, your system is protected from the start. Whether it's detecting spyware, viruses, or ransomware, your antivirus program is always working to keep threats at bay.

Minimized downtime and data loss

Downtime due to cybersecurity incidents can be devastating for a business, both financially and in terms of reputation. With real-time virus protection, you reduce the risk of experiencing costly interruptions, safeguarding your business continuity.

Tailored protection for SMBs

Many business owners assume that robust security measures are reserved for large corporations. However, that’s far from the truth. Real-time antivirus software for 2024 is designed with scalability in mind, meaning even small businesses can access enterprise-level protection.

Compliance with security standards

If your business deals with sensitive client information, you likely need to comply with industry standards and regulations regarding data protection. Using real-time antivirus programs ensures you meet these security requirements, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.

A company employee working on a desktop computer protected with antivirus real-time software.

Tips for maintaining a virus-free network system

While real-time protection is essential, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Here are some practical tips to further reduce your risk:

Regularly update your software

To protect your computer from potential threats, it's crucial to keep your antivirus software and operating systems up to date. Enabling automatic updates is one of the most effective ways to ensure your system remains secure. Most operating systems and antivirus software offer automatic updates, so make sure this feature is turned on. This way, you'll receive the latest security patches and enhancements as soon as they're available.

Regularly checking for updates is also important, even if you have automatic updates enabled. Manually checking for updates periodically ensures nothing has been missed. Additionally, scheduling routine scans is essential. Set your antivirus software to perform regular scans of your system to detect and remove any threats. This can often be done weekly or monthly, depending on your usage.

Another good practice is to review update logs. Occasionally checking the update logs on your operating system and antivirus software will confirm that updates have been successfully installed. Lastly, staying informed by following technology news or your software provider's updates is crucial. This will make you aware of any major security threats or updates that may require immediate action.

Educate your employees

Start by assessing current knowledge. Begin with a survey or assessment to understand your staff's current level of security awareness. This will help tailor the training to their needs.

Next, conduct a security awareness training program. Create a comprehensive program that covers key topics such as recognizing phishing emails, understanding cybersecurity best practices, and identifying potential threats. This ensures that all essential areas are addressed.

Incorporate real-world examples. Use real-world examples and case studies to demonstrate the consequences of cybersecurity breaches and how they can occur. This helps staff understand the importance of the training.

Host interactive sessions. Engage your staff through interactive workshops and sessions that encourage questions and participation. Include simulations of phishing attacks to provide hands-on experience. After training, test and evaluate. Assess your staff's understanding through quizzes or simulated phishing exercises to gauge the effectiveness of the training.

Finally, provide continuous support. Establish a support system where staff can report suspicious activities and receive ongoing updates about new threats and security tips. This ensures that the learning continues beyond the initial training sessions.

Utilize multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Enhance security by implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) to require users to provide two forms of verification before accessing sensitive information. To achieve this, several steps should be followed.

Firstly, choose a 2FA method. You can opt for SMS verification, where a code is sent to the user's mobile phone, or authenticator apps like Google Authenticator or Authy to generate time-based codes. Another option is email verification, which involves sending a verification link or code to the user's email address.

Next, integrate 2FA into your system. Update your login system to prompt users for a second form of verification after entering their password. You may implement APIs or plugins, such as Twilio for SMS or Google Authenticator for app-based codes. Educating users is also crucial. Provide clear instructions on setting up and using 2FA, and highlight the benefits of added security to encourage adoption.

It's important to test the system to ensure the 2FA process is seamless and effective. Running tests will help identify any potential issues in sending or receiving verification codes. Finally, monitor and improve the system regularly. Review and update your 2FA methods to adapt to new security threats and gather user feedback to enhance the user experience.

Backup your data

Ensure that you have a reliable data backup and recovery system in place. First, assess your needs by determining the type of data you need to back up, the critical applications involved, and how frequently backups should occur. Consider the data's importance and how quickly you need to restore it.

Next, choose the right backup solution. Options include cloud-based services, external hard drives, or network-attached storage (NAS). Cloud solutions offer scalability and remote access, while physical storage provides local control.

Automate backups by scheduling regular backups to ensure data is consistently saved without manual intervention. This can be daily, weekly, or as needed based on your data's volatility. Secure your backups by using encryption to protect your backed-up data from unauthorized access. Ensure all backup devices are stored securely, whether on-site or off-site.

Regularly test the recovery process to ensure that you can restore data from backups efficiently and are prepared for an actual data breach.

It’s also important to keep multiple backup copies. Follow the 3-2-1 rule: three total copies of your data, two on different media types, and one off-site to guard against localized disasters. Finally, document the process. Maintain clear documentation of your backup strategy, including schedules, systems used, and recovery steps for easy reference.

A company network system protected with antivirus with real-time protection.

Partnering with a trusted IT provider

Even with the best antivirus with real-time protection software, managing IT security for your business can feel overwhelming. That’s where partnering with a reliable IT provider comes into play and that's where we at Sage can help.

Whether you’re looking for managed IT services, cybersecurity consulting, or simply need help selecting the best free antivirus software for your business, we have the expertise and resources to support your needs.

Our team of IT professionals can assess your current backup strategy, make recommendations for improvement, and provide ongoing support to ensure your data is protected at all times. With our help, you can focus on running your business with peace of mind, knowing that your valuable data is in safe hands.

With over 23 years of experience, we are dedicated to providing SMBs with personalized, proactive IT solutions that protect your business from online threats, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

Final thoughts

As you navigate the ins and outs of IT security, keep in mind that prevention is key. Be proactive in your approach to data backup and recovery, always stay vigilant for potential security threats, and don’t hesitate to seek the guidance of a trusted IT provider.

Together with the right antivirus with real-time protection software and expert strategies, you can safeguard your business from cyber-attacks and minimize any potential damage. Don't wait until it's too late – contact us at Sage today to learn more about how we can help protect your business and its valuable data.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the best free antivirus software for 2024?

The best free antivirus software for 2024 offers strong virus protection without hidden costs. Options like Bitdefender Antivirus Free, AVG Antivirus Free, and Microsoft Defender Antivirus provide reliable, real-time protection for Windows 11 and Windows 10. These programs offer a great balance of features, including ransomware protection and threat detection, without slowing down your system.

Is Windows Defender enough for virus protection?

Windows Defender, now known as Microsoft Defender, provides solid antivirus protection for most small to mid-sized businesses. It comes with Windows 10 and Windows 11 as a built-in solution, offering real-time scanning and ransomware protection. However, for those needing advanced features or more comprehensive coverage, paid solutions like Bitdefender Antivirus may be a better fit.

What’s the difference between free antivirus vs paid antivirus?

While free antivirus software provides basic virus protection, it may lack advanced features like ransomware protection, identity theft protection, and enhanced malware detection. Paid antivirus programs generally offer more robust security, including dedicated support, frequent updates, and additional tools like identity protection and email scanning. If you're looking for comprehensive protection for your Windows PC or Android device, a paid antivirus might be the way to go.

Which antivirus software is best for Windows security in 2024?

For Windows security in 2024, both Microsoft Defender and Bitdefender Antivirus are excellent choices. Microsoft Defender is free and built into Windows, providing real-time threat detection and basic protection. However, Bitdefender's free version and its paid counterpart offer more advanced features like protection against malware and threat protection for businesses requiring extra security layers.

Do I need a separate antivirus app for my Android device?

Yes, having a dedicated antivirus app for your Android device is essential, especially if you store sensitive data or conduct business on your phone. Options like Bitdefender Antivirus Free and Malwarebytes Free provide excellent virus protection for Android users, helping guard against malware, phishing, and ransomware.

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